- Grandview High School Students prepping their time capsule
- Art Display
- Students prepping their Balloon Launch
With a big smile on my face, I’m viewing pictures and news coverage from today’s events, the celebratory launch of the 100th Anniversary of the Grandview School District. Our diverse committee has developed multiple observances to mark this celebration…
- Acknowledgements from the City of Grandview, County of Jackson County, the State of Missouri and United States of America
- Mobile art displays that feature students and activities from 1960s to today
- Performing art exhibition
- Balloon launch at several elementary schools
- Some classes conducted writing projects on theme, “What makes Grandview great,” these will be displayed in their school
- The high school and the middle school created time capsules centered on the theme of one school…one family
- And, we are prepping for a HUGE Homecoming Celebration in September 2014
In my opinion, it is amazing to see a community come-together; all ages, ethnicities, professions, students and teachers to highlight a once in a lifetime observance. I am truly honored to serve in this committee and celebration!
Happy 100th Grandview School District!